Traditional website translation can be costly and burdensome.

The process often requires organizations to hire new translation and development personnel, and integrate CMSs, platforms and solutions.

But MotionPoint’s turn-key solution simplifies website translation by leveraging the code and content of your website, enabling us to easily localize, deploy and operate multilingual versions—with little, if any, effort required by you.

This e-book details how our unique approach:

  • Collects translatable content from your origin website
  • Translates content for global markets
  • Seamlessly displays localized websites to global visitors
  • Optimizes your multilingual website’s UX, SEO and business performance

Our industry-leading technology and expertise eliminates the complex, error-prone tasks associated with website translation … so you can focus on growing your business.

ce livre numérique aborde :

  • How MotionPoint delivers brand-perfect, authentic human translations
  • Ways our solution empowers you to re-use translation across channels
  • Best practices and proprietary technology that boost business performance of localized websites

Remember: Many companies provide translation, but MotionPoint’s unique offering is its technology. It’s designed to be an effortless, customer-aligned solution for brands serving global customers.

Télécharger ce livre numérique

En savoir plus

Découvrez encore plus d'informations dans ces livres numériques connexes :

Découvrez comment suivre le rythme des canaux tiers, des places de marché virtuelles et de l'e-commerce social.

Découvrez comment suivre le rythme des canaux tiers, des places de marché virtuelles et de l'e-commerce social.

Le futur du marketing international

Le futur du marketing international

Pourquoi le contexte de la page est essentiel pour la traduction de sites Web

Pourquoi le contexte de la page est essentiel pour la traduction de sites Web

Normalisation ou personnalisation : trouver la bonne approche pour votre site Web international

Normalisation ou personnalisation : trouver la bonne approche pour votre site Web international



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