Engaging global customers online, in the languages they prefer, can make a huge impact on your sales and revenue.

When companies discover the costs associated with translating their digital customer experience—including their websites and omnichannel content—they often pursue budget-saving alternatives, like microsites or splash pages.

But these extremely limited efforts deliver compromised user experiences that turn off international customers. Brands should use a more strategic mindset when it comes to controlling digital translation costs.

Dans ce livre numérique, vous apprendrez :

  • How partially translated online experiences harm engagement metrics and global SEO
  • Ways your customers—and local sales teams—benefit from localized digital content
  • The features of superior, cost-effective digital localization solutions

It’s possible to accommodate budget constraints while meeting global customers’ UX expectations.

ce livre numérique aborde :

  • The problems with localized splash and landing pages
  • Ways to determine the ideal scope for your translation project
  • The best way to leverage industry-leading translation technology

Remember: Localized splash pages and microsites can undermine your brand’s credibility in international markets. Instead, partner with a translation vendor that elegantly accommodates your business needs while deftly controlling costs.

Télécharger ce livre numérique

En savoir plus

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